Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Amazing People... Work Together

Hey all!!
I just blogged on my profile, but I wanted you all to see it, so I'm blogging again here.
I'm william livingston by the way. The one who repped www.MyFitTribe.com during class, yeah that's me =)

So today in class, the Profi (german for professional, but it sounds sweet so I'm using it as "pro-fessor" because they're professionals at educating?? ) was discussing how modern education is not so "modern" or intuitive. We should be working together as teams and collaborating on life... not just work. Two heads are better than one, and we really are burdened by this "im better" attitude.
If you've ever met someone outside the United States, perhaps European or such, you'll notice the kinder 'tude they carry with them. They're just pleasant to be around. Many of us are too, but it takes a while to break through that outer shell. Also, a lot of it is just our mind and perception of what we think is true, again, influenced largely by our culture (hint: Mass Media).

So this blogging deal is pretty cool if you're new to it. Its been quite a while in coming that we've known writing down things helps "transcend" (that's my word of the week... too lazy to do a word of the day) into deeper meanings, and also more generalized meanings. Quite opposites but trust me, its a neato factor.

It was a cool class today, meeting everyone new and breaking the ice. Admit it, you love ice breakers!! =)
Its pretty crazy the way narratives are shifting these days; life is shifting too.
Its not a new concept, or rather "unlocalized". I mean, it seems the new era of rebellion. Its not actually rebellion, but funny it is (yoda) that its considered rebellious that we think for ourselves now-a-days and speak our minds regarding our views and opinions.

Its really about not just taking what we're told and doing it. I mean, that's really what threatens huge corporations and companies. Its this whole idea that they have the sole power to control what we are exposed to, which in turn typically affects our choices.
Take the government for example. Its no coincidence that we have a black president. Nothing has changed, nothing external at least. I mean, the government is still what it was last year and the years before. We as people have decided that we can make a difference. It was our internal thoughts, with the help of the media (ironically enough) that got many people out there voting, regardless of whether we can actually change the government or not, we THINK we can, and therefore we DO.
"I think, therefore I am".

Woa! I could go on forever.
Let me just leave you New Years Resoluters with this one last tid-bit of info; many of us have proclaimed a great healthy and fit year to be our own. We will own it, get in the best healthy shapes of our lives.
But what really sets it apart from other years???
Its your thoughts & mind-frame!! It's time for a change....it's also about the people you meet that will help you succeed!

"You are what you THINK"



Blogger Jamie Skye Bianco said...

Thanks so much for such a generous introduction, Willy. I hope your collaborators in the class will follow suit!

January 7, 2009 at 3:15 PM  

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