Sunday, January 11, 2009

"Girl look at you know I love you."

I went to Maryland for the Pitt vs. Navy football game a couple months ago, and one night when we were out eating our waiter told the guys sitting at the table that the only way to keep a girl was to compliment EVERYTHING, even our breathing. Since I am oh-so-fantastic at doing all of my school work, on time, my boyfriend decided to throw that line out there which I then decided to use as my title.

Excellent intro, I know. I still have to tell you about my weekend though. I spent all Saturday afternoon at an ice rink with our Panther, ROC, about 25 other mascots from around Pittsburgh, and a huge number of small children. It was a somewhat bizarre and interesting experience. I met Abraham Lincoln. I don't think many people today could say that. ;-)

So I finally started reading My Body. I really liked the picture with all of the body parts, probably because I'm a crazy Anatomy fanatic. I of course started reading this story by clicking on the head. (I seem to like a lot of things standard and in order, and starting anywhere else on the body just seemed wrong!) There was only one link which took me to the page about the eyes. I loved this part! My strange childhood self did everything she talked about, especially sitting around closing one eye and then the other to see the different perspectives. I also probably squinted many times to look through my eyelashes. I know, I was cool. Now, this page did bother me a little. When a story is online the author or creator can use any background they want, and the background on this page was not helping my reading.

Does anyone remember those special edition Goosebumps books? At the end of each chapter it had 2 options and it let you choose the path/storyline you wanted to take and therefore you were skipping around the book from chapter 3 to 21 to 11. My Body reminded me of those Goosebumps books, when there were multiple links to click on. I knew I would end up reading the whole story and I think it's interesting the way I could eventually make my way around the entire body.

Well these are all my thoughts spilled out for now. OH!! Except for the BASKETBALL game today?! Heck yeah, let's go PITT! (...had to get that out there!)


Blogger EmDeLeo said...

First off, I remember those Goosebumps books. Though, I mostly just remember the fact that the special edition Goosebumps had shiny covers =)

But really, I agree with your theory here. I felt the same way as I was reading it. Each part that I read segued itself to another section using the links. I thought this was a very imaginative way to keep a readers attention yet allowing them to peruse at their own speed and choice of direction.

As I am still reading it now, there seems to be no methodical approach, but a randomly assigned set of hyperlinks that let you wander through the web. Maybe it's just me, but some of these hyperlinks take me to places I wouldn't expect (example, "one definitive face" leads you to hands), while others lead me to right what they say (example, "a pair of eyes" leads you to "eyes").

Definitely a cool and interesting read.

January 12, 2009 at 5:33 PM  

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