Tuesday, January 13, 2009

A new look to "My Body"

This story seemed to be a short read in the beginning, but i was very wrong about this. Although this was VERY short compared to patchwork girl. I thought my body- a wunderkammer would be a very boring read. I was also wrong about this. I couldn't believe that I actually found myself laughing at some parts. The part about stealing merchandise was priceless, or maybe thats just because I'm a guy. And as most guys would agree, some parts were particularly better to read than others. :)

I was unsure about where to start, but I found myself starting at the brain, and although the story was not in chronologial order, I am finishing up the story now at the toes. Although I am still unsure if I have hit every part haha. I have never read a hypertext before, and it was very different from what I had imagioned. I figured it would be just like reading a book where the sequence of events would unfold in a certain order. I loved the way I was able to pick which part of the story that I wish to view. I hate reading books though so a bit of a change was good for me. It is time for class now so I am signing off, and I hope to get a longer post next time.


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